 XU Yong-qin,XU Lu-yu,SHEN Feng-qiang,et al.Flower Morphology and Flowering Phenology of Clones of Cerasus sp.[J].Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology,2020,40(03):9-15.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2020.03.002]





Flower Morphology and Flowering Phenology of Clones of Cerasus sp.
1. 浙江物产长乐实业有限公司,浙江杭州311116;2. 浙江省林业科学研究院,浙江杭州310023
XU Yong-qin1XU Lu-yu1SHEN Feng-qiang1LIU Xin-hong2SHEN Xin2
1. Zhejiang Materials Industry Group Corporation, Changle Industrial Co. Ltd., Hangzhou 311116, China; 2. Zhejiang Academy of Forestry, Hangzhou 310023, China
Cerasus sp flower morphology flowering phenology climatic factors
为探究樱花Cerasus sp. 不同品种在杭州地区的开花物候及适应性,以23 个樱花无性系为试验材料,观测其在杭州地区的花部形态和开花物候,分析各无性系的物候因子与环境因子的关系。结果表明:(1)花径、花瓣长宽、萼筒长等花部性状在无性系间差异极显著(P<0.01),以松月樱C. serrulata‘Superba’的花径最大,为55.77mm,安徽野樱C.‘Anhui’的最小;思川樱C. × subhirtella‘Omoigawa’花朵的萼筒最短,红粉佳人樱C.‘Pinklady’的最长,呈长钟形。(2)无性系间的开花物候存在差异,以椿寒樱C.‘Introrsa’开花物候的每个时期均为最早,普贤象樱C. serrulata‘Albo-rosea’的均为最迟;各无性系花期持续4 ~ 16 d,无性系间变异系数达36.93%。(3)采用主成分分析方法,将5 个花部形态指标和4 个花期物候指标综合为2 个主成分,其累积贡献率达83.47%,将23 个无性系分为3 类,分别为早花型、中花型和晚花型。(4)开花物候与温度、气压的关系最为密切,呈显著相关;初花期与初花期前30 d 的温度、气压累计值的相关系数最大,分别为0.985,0.973。因此,今后可根据多年观测建立初花期预测模型,提早预测最佳观赏期,为樱花花期旅游提供参考。
In February 2015, 1-year shoots of 23 species (variety and cultivar) of Cerasus were collected from breeding nursery in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. They were grafted on rootstock of 1-year C. pseudocerasus ‘Daqingye’. In the winter, grafted seedlings were planted by completely randomized block. In 2017, 12 individuals of each clone were randomized selected for determination of flower traits. Flowering phenology was observed at the same time. The results showed that it had significantly great difference of flower morphological traits among clones (P<0.01). C. serrulata ‘Superba’ had the largest flower diameter with 55.77 mm, while C. ‘Anhui’ the minimum. The calyx tube of C. × subhirtella ‘Omoigawa’ was the shortest, whereas that of C. ‘Pinklady’ was the longest. C. ‘Introrsa’ had the earliest flowering stage, whereas C. serrulata ‘Albo-rosea’ the latest. The flowering stage of different clone varied from 4 to 16 days, and the coefficient variation (CV) was 36.93% among clones. Principle component analysis on flower morphological traits and phenology demonstrated that the tested clones could be divided into three groups, like earlier, medium and later flower stage. Flowering phenology had close relation with temperature and atmospheric pressure. The correlation coefficients between early flowering date and the accumulated temperature and atmospheric pressure of 30 days before flowering were 0.985 and 0.973, respectively.


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收稿日期:2019-10-08;修回日期:2020-03-23 基金项目:浙江省十三五林木新品种选育项目(2016C02056-12)资助 作者简介:徐永勤,本科,工程师,从事林木育种研究;E-mail:465181451@qq.com。通信作者:沈鑫,博士研究生,助理研究员,从事林木育种研究;E-mail:shenxinjdy@126.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2020-06-20