 YAO Feng-ping,LI He-peng,WU Yi-qing,et al.Research Progress on Ecological Environment and Phytoremediation in Lead-zinc Mining Areas[J].Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology,2022,42(03):101-111.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2022.03.018]





Research Progress on Ecological Environment and Phytoremediation in Lead-zinc Mining Areas
(1. 浙江省庆元县永青国有林场,浙江庆元 323800;2. 浙江省林业科学研究院,浙江 杭州 310023;3. 丽水市林业技术推广总站, 浙江 丽水 323000;4. 浙江省淳安县新安江开发总公司,浙江 淳安 311700;5. 浙江元成园林集团股份有限公司,浙江 杭州 310016)
YAO Feng-ping1LI He-peng2WU Yi-qing1ZHANG Fei-ying2BAI Ming-e2NI Rong-xin3XU Gao-fu4ZHANG Jian-he5
(1. Qingyuan Yongqing State-owned Forest Farm of Zhejiang, Qianyuan 323800, China; 2. Zhejiang Academy of Forestry, Hangzhou 310023, China; 3. Lishui Forestry Extension Station of Zhejiang, Lishui 323000, China; 4. Chun’an Xin’anjiang Development Corporation of Zhejiang, Chun’an 311700, China; 5. Yuancheng Garden Group Co. Ltd., Hangzhou 310016, China)
lead-zinc mine heavy metal pollution phytoremediation ecological greening
为实现铅锌矿山开发利用与生态环境保护相协调发展,为铅锌矿区重金属污染生态治理提供技术支持,文 章在综述了铅锌矿山开采及加工冶炼过程往往导致矿区地质环境恶化、土壤环境污染、水资源污染与破坏等问题, 对Pb、Zn、Cr、Cu、Hg、As 等重金属具有超富集潜力的植物种类进行归类概括,铅锌矿或尾矿环境中能够生长 且对Pb 有超富集潜力的植物有30 种,对Zn 有超富集潜力的植物14 种,对Pb、Zn 两种重金属同时具有超富集 潜力的植物有23 种,有14 种植物对3 种及以上重金属元素有超富集潜力,其中,同时对Pb、Zn、Cd 3 种重金 属具有超富集潜力的植物有10 种,对其他重金属(含Pb 或Zn)的超富集潜力植物有34 种。最后,分析了铅锌 矿山绿化与生态修复研究进展和存在问题,提出分类指导铅锌矿山绿化、广泛选择生态绿化树种、注重乔灌草的 有效配置、注意客土改良配套种植等措施,是当前铅锌矿山绿化生态修复的发展治理方向。
Reviews were made on destruction of geological environment, heavy metal pollution of soil and water by exploitation of lead-zinc mine. Presentations were made on different plant species with potential hyper accumulation of heavy metal (such as Pb, Zn, Cr, Cu, Hg and As) for restoration of contaminated mining areas. Challenges of ecological restoration in lead-zinc mining areas were discussed. Countermeasures for phytoremediation of lead-zinc mining areas were proposed such as restoration with different site conditions, selection of ecological tree species, rational distribution of arbor-shrub-herb, improvement by transported soil.


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作者简介:姚丰平,工程师,从事造林绿化技术研究;E-mail:qyyfping@163.com。通信作者:李贺鹏,博士、副研究员,从事植物多样性 保护与植物生理生态研究;E-mail:8656141@qq.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-05-15