 WANG Bao-dang,CHEN Xian-zhi,LI He-peng,et al.Study on Softwood Cutting Propagation of Viburnum japonicum[J].Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology,2018,38(03):9-15.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2018.03.002]





Study on Softwood Cutting Propagation of Viburnum japonicum
1. 浙江省临海市林业技术推广总站,浙江临海 317000;2. 浙江省林业科学研究院,浙江杭州 310023; 3. 浙江省台州市椒江区农林局,浙江台州 318000
WANG Bao-dang1CHEN Xian-zhi1LI He-peng2YANG Le2GUO Liang3WANG Jun2YUE Chun-lei2
1. Linhai Forestry Extension Station of Zhejiang, Linhai 317000, China; 2. Zhejiang Academy of Forestry, Hangzhou 310023, China; 3. Jiaojiang Agroforestry Bureau of Zhejiang, Taizhou 318000, China
Viburnum japonicum softwood cutting plant growth regulator adventitious root
S723. 132.1
在2015-2017 年,以2 ~ 3 年生日本荚蒾Viburnum japonicum 不同木质化程度枝条为材料,采用ABT-1 号 生根粉、国光-萘乙酸和863 生根剂3 种植物生长调节剂,设置对照(CK,清水),100,200,300 mg·L-1 4 个浓 度水平,在这些浓度溶液中分别浸泡0.5 和1.0 h 条件下,研究插穗在纯黄心土基质和混合基质(黄心土、珍珠岩、 泥炭的质量配比为3:1:1)的不定根发生、根系生长、成活率等指标。结果表明:以6 月份新生充分木质化的插穗 为宜,约30 d 可生根,3 种植物生长调节剂的平均成活率基本可达60%以上;木质化程度低的插穗一般20 d 生根, 但受夏季高温环境影响,其成活率不足30%。ABT-1 处理的插穗生根效果整体优于国光-萘乙酸和863 生根剂;3 种调节剂均能显著提高嫩枝插穗成活率(P<0.05),以在200 mg·L-1 时浸泡1.0 h 的插穗成活率最高,在浓度100 mg·L-1 和200 mg·L-1 浸泡1.0 h 的成活率明显高于0.5 h,但在300 mg·L-1 时则成活率下降。在ABT-1 浓度200 mg·L-1 浸泡1.0 h 的平均生根数最高,均超过60 条·穗-1 且显著高于其他各处理组(P<0.05);平均根长和根系效果指数 均以混合基质中300 mg·L-1 浸泡0.5 h 的ABT-1 为最佳,其平均值分别为11.22 cm 和11.75。混合基质更适宜插穗 生根,其成活率较纯黄心土在总体水平上可提高1.0% ~ 12.0%。总体上,在混合基质中200 mg·L-1 的ABT-1 浸泡 0.5 h 为扦插育苗最佳效率组合。
Experiments were conducted during 2015 and 2017 on cultivation of Viburnum japonicum seedlings by cuttings from different lignified branches of 2 ~ 3 year. Cuttings were soaked 0.5 and 1 hour by different concentrations (0, 100, 200 and 300 mg·L-1) of ABT No.1, NAA and 863, and planted on sub-top soil and mixed substrate (ratio of sub-top soil, perlite and peat of 3:1:1). Determinations were implemented on adventitious root characteristics, root system and survival rate of cuttings. The result demonstrated that lignified cuttings treated by three regulators planted in June had more than 60 percent of survival rate and had rooting 30 days later, while half lignified cuttings had only 30% of survival rate and had rooting 20 days late. Rooting effect of cuttings treated by ABT-1 was better than that by NAA and 863 rooting agent. The survival rate of softwood cuttings treated by regulators increased significantly (P<0.05), and the highest survival rate of cuttings were soaked 1 hour in 200 mg·L-1 of three regulators. The survival rate of half lignified cutting treated by 1 hour in the solution of concentration of 100 mg·L-1 and 200 mg·L-1 was significantly higher than that of soaking 0.5 h, but the survival rate decreased at 300 mg·L-1. The average number of rooting was the highest in the two different substrates soaked in 200 mg·L-1 for 1.0 h, which exceeded 60 panicles and was significantly higher than that of other treatments (P<0.05). The average root length and root effect index were the best when the mixture was soaked in 300 mg·L-1 for half an hour, and the average value was 11.22 cm and 11.75, respectively. The mixed medium was more suitable for rooting, and the survival rate of the mixed medium was higher than that of pure yellow core soil at the overall level from 1.0 percent to 12.0 percent. On the whole, the best efficiency combination of cuttage breeding was to soak half an hour in 200 mg·L-1 of ABT-1 with the mixed substrates.


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收稿日期:2017-11-03;修回日期:2018-03-28 基金项目:浙江省院所专项项目(2016F30011,2017F30016);台州市农业类一般项目(162hb02) 作者简介:王宝党,工程师,从事林业经营与保护;E-mail:1577712451@qq.com。通信作者:李贺鹏,博士,副研究员,从事植物生理生 态、生物多样性保护、林木育种研究;E-mail:8656141@qq.com。
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-08-22