 HAN Lu-wan,SHI Qin,XUAN Lei,et al.Growth traits of Taxodium ‘Zhongshanshan’ and T. distichum under Different Waterlogging Stress[J].Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology,2017,37(03):1-8.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3776.2017.03.001]





Growth traits of Taxodium ‘Zhongshanshan’ and T. distichum under Different Waterlogging Stress
江苏省中国科学院植物研究所,江苏 南京 210014
HAN Lu-wanSHI QinXUAN LeiYIN Yun-longHUA Jian-feng
Institute of Botany, Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China
waterlogging stress biomass Taxodium ‘Zhongshanshan’ T. distichum root morphology
2013年7月,设置1/2淹水(T1)、2/3淹水(T2)、没顶淹水(T3)和不淹水(CK)4个处理,研究2年生中山杉405 Taxodium mucronatum×T. distichum ‘Zhongshanshan 405’ ,中山杉406 T. mucronatum×T. distichum ‘Zhongshanshan 406’ ,中山杉407 T. mucronatum×T. distichum ‘Zhongshanshan 407’ ,中山杉502 T. mucronatum×T. distichum ‘Zhongshanshan 502’ 和父本落羽杉T. distichum扦插苗的生长特性。同年10月测定结果表明,不同处理后的中山杉4个品种和落羽杉全部存活。与CK相比,T1和T2处理显著增加株高,T2和T3处理则显著降低地径。T2处理中山杉4个品种和T3处理中山杉405,中山杉502的株高明显高于落羽杉;CK和T1处理中山杉4个品种的地径均高于落羽杉。与对照相比,T1显著增加中山杉405,中山杉406和中山杉502的地上部分生物量, T1和T2处理下,中山杉406和中山杉502的总生物量没有显著变化。T1处理的中山杉405,中山杉406和中山杉502地上部分、地下部分和总生物量,T2处理中山杉405,中山杉406和中山杉502的地上部分生物量显著高于相同处理的落羽杉。T1,T2,T3处理阻碍了所有植株根系的生长,仅中山杉406在T1处理出现不定根。可见,淹水胁迫下,中山杉405,中山杉406,中山杉407和中山杉502的高生长、生物量累积和根系形态均优于落羽杉,具有较强的耐淹水胁迫能力。
Experiments were conducted in July 2013 on growth of 2-year seedlings of his study was designed to explore the growth trait of Taxodium mucronatum×T. distichum ‘Zhongshanshan 405’, T. mucronatum×T. distichum ‘Zhongshanshan 406’, T. mucronatum×T. distichum ‘Zhongshanshan 407’, T. mucronatum×T. distichum ‘Zhongshanshan 502’ and their male parent treated by 1/2 flooding (T1), 2/3 flooding (T2) and complete submergence (T3) with normal management as control (CK). Determinations were implemented in October. Results showed that tested seedlings survived after three months of waterlogging stress. Seedlings under T1 and T2 had significantly higher height growth, while that under T2 and T3 had lower ground diameter than that of the control. Seedlings of T. ‘Zhongshanshan’ series under T2 and that of ‘Zhongshanshan 405’ and ‘Zhongshanshan 502’ under T3 had significantly higher height growth than that of T. distichum. Ground diameter growth of CK and T.Experiments were conducted in July 2013 on growth of 2-year seedlings of his study was designed to explore the growth trait of Taxodium mucronatum×T. distichum ‘Zhongshanshan 405’, T. mucronatum×T. distichum ‘Zhongshanshan 406’, T. mucronatum×T. distichum ‘Zhongshanshan 407’, T. mucronatum×T. distichum ‘Zhongshanshan 502’ and their male parent treated by 1/2 flooding (T1), 2/3 flooding (T2) and complete submergence (T3) with normal management as control (CK). Determinations were implemented in October. Results showed that tested seedlings survived after three months of waterlogging stress. Seedlings under T1 and T2 had significantly higher height growth, while that under T2 and T3 had lower ground diameter than that of the control. Seedlings of T. ‘Zhongshanshan’ series under T2 and that of ‘Zhongshanshan 405’ and ‘Zhongshanshan 502’ under T3 had significantly higher height growth than that of T. distichum. Ground diameter growth of CK and T.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2017-08-06